Sourdough Bread

$6.00$10.00 (price excluding tax)

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Due to the current market volatility - Non-fertile farm fresh eggs are limited to 2 dozen per order, and may be subject to backorder due to high demand.

For the true, old fashioned natural bread, nothing beats the traditional Sourdough bread!  Our starter is truly that.  Bob started this culture in November of 2021, and it is producing delicious loaves.  Whether you want a round or loaf, Bob has been working his talents, using just 4 ingredients, to provide these marvelous morsels.

Ingredients: Flour, rater, starter, salt.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 pound loaf, 2-1/2 pound round

Availability Now available in-store at
108 Circle Dr Denmark 29042

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